Sunday 19 January 2014

Dialysis and Football

Saturday      2014-01-18

It is like a merry-go-round. And yet again I faced the same question when I got to another centre, “What are you doing here?” They hadn’t the faintest clue of my coming. Imagine the stress, frustration and blood pressure, and the extra work created to those innocent nurses by the situation. It’s not fare to everyone involved. Even the nurses find it odd, they had never seen such a case like mine, visiting all centres again and again. They were kind and understanding and helped me settled in. The whole thing is not normal. Politic is at play.

Thinking about it gives me more stress and anxiety which is not good to my already poor health, like adding salt on wound.

Travelling to different places for treatment is not a pleasant thing. Most patients have hypo blood tension, my is hyper; most have limited urine, I can urinate like a healthy person; most can tolerate heparin, heparin cause me my thrombocytopenia; and most satisfy temperature at 35.5, my is higher; most have high potassium, my is normal (except when I was on perindopril). All these differences cause trouble and pain, and needed explained to each person I met in order to get the right medical treatment.

If they are understanding, there goes a good session. If they are head strong and treated me like most patients, it wouldn’t be a happy ending, there would be pain and discomfort and cause my body to react in such a way which setting the alarm off constantly. These would create extra work and annoy the hell out of everybody. Then the pump rate would be reduced and resulted in poor clearance rate, or even aborted session.

Again and again such things would happen or otherwise someone’s ego gets bruised.  Either way it is not a happy situation to be in. I am in such a quandary, one side is my health, and the other is a confrontation which I try very hard not to get into, and at the same time not to hurt anybody’s feelings. The most difficult thing is that most people are genuinely thinking that what they are doing are the best for patients, even though the result says otherwise. People simply doggedly follow some rules but not the other.

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