Thursday 30 January 2014

Blood Pressure on Dialysis Day

Thursday   2014-01-30

10:30 this morning, the ball was kicked forward, I got a call to go to the hospital straight away instead of in the afternoon, it happens that there isn’t enough nurse in the afternoon shift. When I got there, my blood pressure was 189. After being measured for months, I am not so scared about it, since now I have some clue of my pressure’s direction.

It seems any kind of pace changing, be it good or bad, will set it up easily. It has a mind on its own and would react all by itself when situation calls for. No matter what my sanity tell the mind. Emotion is controlled by sanity, but blood pressure in my case is controlled by situations.

In the beginning of my treatment through dialysis, my blood pressure started to rise in a matter of two weeks which jumped from 130-140 to 190-200. Initially I was very scared not knowing the cause which made it worse. One day, I was reading something complicated and straining myself, I find immediately my pressure went up. I took notice of that, and I started to look at other things and situations, only to find that blood pressure even though it is a complex matter, most of the cause can be identified and managed.

Tension, stress, excitement should be minimised or avoid if possible. Since we are not living in a vacuum one can only try to do one’s best.

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