Saturday 29 March 2014

Hepatitis B Vaccine

Saturday 2014-03-29 

When I had my first two hepatitis B vaccine injection I didn’t dare to look, each time they said it would be painful but I felt nothing. Six months later from the 1st one, yesterday I had my 3rd, as nowadays I’m practically live in the hospital, I am quite the veteran, besides after Easter I might start needling myself, I braved myself for a peek.

I was astounded when I saw only one centimetre of the needle left outside the skin, the rest all went into my arm, for a moment I thought perhaps it went through me. But I checked there was nothing poking out of the other side.

Nurse J who has 17 years of experience, perhaps has used to putting needles in the elephants and forgotten that I am only a chopstick. Before jabbing she warned me it would be painful, she was not kidding, I still have trouble lifting my arm as of right now a day after the injection. And I remember that nurse S who's over 50 years of age often praise J's needle work. Maybe nurse S meant she was more nimble working with a needle with wings rather than with a normal syringe.

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