Friday 7 March 2014

Dialysis Risk – Indirectly Fluid Removal, Killing Residue Kidney Function

Friday 2014-03-07

Dialysis overdose, assuming what they are doing to me are out of good intentions, the result is I’m being killed in slow motion. The prolonged treatment time drains all my energy. I feel exhausted after dialysis, getting home being the worst moment of all. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, feeling funny, every bit of moment making me sweat profusely and the whole body feels discomfort and misery, swallow back tears, and in a trance I nourish myself. Longing for bed, but I‘m not in a state of rushing food down.

My last battle failed miserably, yet the war is still going on. The rubber band of my physical endurance is now being tested. Last time I endured such impact was on my dialysis treatment début, when everything about dialysis was new and unknown to me which lasted 10 sessions. Now I have to suffer all over again, past torment thrown down the drain. Hoping my body can hold long enough to see the end of the tunnel.

In order to allow me dialysing longer, they give me a pan, first time since September 2013, the longer I’m on the machine the more urine I churn out. In the past few times, after 3 and half hours I pasted more that 650ml. In the normal course of that duration I just past around 200ml, which means they make my 3% functioning kidney work 3 times faster than it should and more. I wonder what this will do to my residue function. My bladder is not happy either, on the machine, even after I pee I still have the feeling of wanting to pee, and the sensor of my bladder is totally stuffed. At home, even not on dialysis the urge to pee stays there. It’s a horrible feeling that one wants to pee all the time.

In actual effect,  they are removing fluid from me, the difference between previously when fluid was removed last September, it was done by machine directly through the reached UF goal, it is now done indirectly by hooking me up with the machine through my own natural kidney which is an unnecessary prolonged process giving me unnoticeable benefit but misery.

When fluid removed through UF goal, immediately off the machine then, I’d past more than 500ml of urine, and at the time I only could estimate, later I began to weight myself so that I could find the exact amount. After each session I did not pee for a long time until the next day, when it came back slowly, nor did I know thirst or hunger. One feeling I did have was constantly having the sensation of wanting to pee.

I don’t dispute that other patients who have no urine function left may also constantly feeling want to pee, but in my case my suffering could be avoided.

After I started doing 3 hours the sensation gradually reduced, it never went away completely. Because even with 3 hours I was already holding my urine and I’d pee 300-500ml straight after each session. Now when they allow me the pan, I found that after 1 hour 40 minutes I’d past 400ml+ of urine already. Imagine the speed of which my kidney must be working, undoubtedly it must be in a frenzy.

Thinking of those fascists who forced me to endure this make me wanting a cricket bat, but my batting target is not a ball. The difference between them and me is that I don’t act out my fantasy but they do. In their imaginary mind they believe what they are doing to me is for my own good, they have no eyes or ears to perceive reality.

If the assumption of their intention being good doesn’t exist, it would colour their hearts as the hue of that of coal. 

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