Friday 28 February 2014

My Kidneys, My Home, My choice ?

Friday 2014-02-28

I was incandescent with fury! On Wednesday I was threatened being kicked out of home dialysis programme if I didn’t agree to have my treatment changed to what manager nurse L thought was medically right for me and was promised that my treatment remained as status quo and continued learning and dialysing in this centre until I had a chance to see and consult a doctor.

Today all this had changed, the threat became a reality. She bulldozed me out of the centre sending me back into the system. She had problem with the words “kicked out“ that was used by me, no matter what euphemism she preferred, the fact was fact. Sorry that I stepped on a toe and injured her precious feelings. But what she had done was making flippant decision that sent an anxiety kidney patient with complicated prescriptive treatment to limbo just to satisfy her psychotic ego, coming to her office each day executing her little managerial power and playing with patients’ lives. Only because last Wednesday on surface I seemed to have won on our encounter, she worked up her vindictive mind scheming up this tsunami for me.

She has absolutely no heart, said it was for my own good and played politic with my feeling and my health purely to satisfy her own ego. If she really cared about a small patient like me she would have heard what I said and how I felt physically and mentally. I have been on the current treatment for the past 5 months and which worked well for me and made me gradually better. Only when it were changed that I felt worse. Such thing had already happened a few times.

To through me back to where I came from to further endure uncertainty and stressful situations will do not do an iota of good to my health and could only harm me.

She made an appointment for me to see a doctor on 17 March and fully understood what the next two weeks will do to my mental and physical wellbeing, and yet to show that she is the one who is in charge and have the final say, she throw her so called “care for patients wellbeing and that was what her reason being where she is” in the wind.

The only object can be achieved for me to run about town again is that patients have to do things her way or no way, be it right or wrong, to the benefit or the detriment, whichever way she doesn’t care. There are people like her who say one thing and does another, her purpose here is to earn a salary doing her job and climb the corporate ladder. What care for patients’ lives, wellbeing, those are just words, for her they are deprived of real meaning.

It is precisely to avoid people like her drove me into home dialysis. Next week there is a conference promoting home dialysis with a slogan as “My kidney, My choice and My home”. What a joke that is, the way she is running things is making a mockery of the whole thing.

For survival, to be responsible to my own health and wellbeing she forced my hand. The only rational thing for me to do was to succumb to her demand and renegotiate my treatment on her terms without a medical clinic consultation.

Actually she was the person who changed my Calcium bath (for whole story refer to my last blog) without doctor’s prescription which made me feeling terrible and the wrong bath she gave me mucked up my blood test result, my health temporarily went backwards was caused purely by her. I haven’t heard her admitting any kind of mistake being made, an apology would be unimaginable.

A simple slight reply “we don’t have” was all I got and that doesn’t cut it. It was medicine that she was using. Science is an exact discipline, not bush mechanic. If she were a responsible nurse she wouldn’t have want only changed patients’ prescription without adjusting other related medication in the same time.

One other incident was the other day when she was taking me off the machine she didn’t clamp the artery catheter properly which lead to my blood back flew into the artery for about 13cm in length, such incident happened to me only once before. When I noticed the abnormality and asked her how could I prevent such thing from happening to me when I doing it myself in the future, she had no guts to admit what wrong she had done, but taking patients as fools and gave me a load of crap and diverted to other things. Making error is one thing, we are all human, what I can’t accept is covering it up and making stories.

How can I trust such a person, let alone making my treatment orders?

Our world is not perfect, for survival one can’t cut off from society, from people like her and have to swallow a lot of shit.

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