Sunday 9 February 2014

Dialysis - Overdosed by Good Intentions

 Saturday   2014-02-08

Another hospital another déjà vu, I could sense that today’s nurse was just another strong minded and full of presumptuous type. Nurse S insisted on taking fluid from me or at least the so called what’s given – the clichéd 500ml. Why nurses like her refuses to just follow the chart, follow what’s been done previously as on the worksheets sent to her, instead they all try to use their own heads. I detest confrontation and dreading hurt their feelings, but self preservation forced me on the battle field. By now I am too tired and have no time for educational sessions, and asked to see the manager. She came in with her own question and wanted to know why I only doing three hours.

There is a list of reasons for me doing just three hours, but I only told her the one which would stop further probing, that is my bladder couldn’t handle more than 3 hours, that I had been doing 3 hours with zero UF goal for 4 months. After some frustrated haggling everything was settled exactly as what it was should be which was a repeat of my last session and many more before that. Needless to say this can’t help my blood pressure. The tone they used was full of accusation, treating me as if I was a criminal.

Nurse S disappeared with my file, I was sure she was busy with her literary work, recording the whole episode. For fear of being read by me, she hided the file somewhere without putting it back to where it usually lay which is on my table or on the machine. I knew this was true because every hour patients’ blood pressure needed to be checked, that when another nurse came and did everybody’s in the room except me, and she looked for my file here and there again and again and couldn’t find it. Certainly she couldn’t ask me where my file was, I was just sitting on the chair and going nowhere, beside that would look unprofessional. Without my file to record things on, I missed out my blood pressure check which I was not particularly fond of, the pumping of blood and squeezing of my arm is not a feeling to be enjoyed. After finishing her report nurse S did came in and checked my pressure for later hours, she only brought along a scrap of paper to record the numbers, never the whole file. All other patients had their files where they should be.

When dialysis was finished, she followed me to the scale and read out the weight and encouraged me to go to the toilet. I didn’t see any door with a toilet sigh, and she let me to the end of the dialysis unit and opened a plain looking door without any signage on it which I suspected was used by the stuffs. I did my thing. She then followed me back to the scale again. My weight was 500g lighter than before toilet and 200g lighter than before I came in today before dialysis. She was still sceptical and asked me whether I was taking diuretic medication, which I certainly did not. And we said our good bye.

For certain people it is not easy to have an open mind and drop all presumption and prejudice. Most of the time, such persons do what they do initially out of good intentions and diligence to their job and duty. Very often they could only achieve the contrary to their desires. Certainly there are others who do what they do simply as their duty and earn a salary. It never occurred to them that their actions could hurt others.

A part from the above drama today is the most confusing day for my next dialysis appointment. This morning 10:30 I got a call from mother hospital asking me if I knew where I would go next Monday. I told them that I normally dialyse on Tuesday sequence, that today as it was Saturday I was to go to centre D in the afternoon. They checked their roster and told me to come to centre M next Tuesday. During dialysis today the manager at D told me I was to come to her unit next Tuesday and I told her my morning phone call. She went checking and told me that all sorted, I was coming to her unit. Before the day ended, the secretary came to me and told me I had a choice to go to either M or D on Tuesday, I don’t think they knew what they were doing. I wonder if they can read their own roster. To play along, I choose M, at least the battle there had been fought, and I know every nurse there. In the mean time, I just have phone battery charged, who knows what’s going to happen on Monday or even on Tuesday for that matter.

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